Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Hei Matau - Maori Fish Hooks

Symbolics of Hei Matau Explained

Hei Matau are Maori fish hooks initially carved from whale bone. Since the dawn of history the Maori peoples carved these fish hooks to use them for fishing. But they were also created as pieces of jewelry. Many of these artefacts have been passed on generation by generation. These family heirlooms were commonly worn as pendants on necklaces.

Fishermen, being food gatherers, were held in high regard in the Maori society. This respect was also based on the skills they possessed to create fishing gear of whale and other bone, shell and wood. That's why hei matau
symbolizes power and authority. Some special designs are still worn by Maori warriors when performing ceremonial dances. Apart from that its also a sign of respect for and dependence of the sea and its creatures.

Nowadays only its symbolic purpose remains. Hei matau symbolizes prosperity. In ancient Maori times fish was that abundantly available that simply owning (and using) a fish hook meant prosperity. Today it also
symbolizes abundance, fertility and strength. They are given to beloved ones as good luck charms, particularly for those traveling over water.

The wearer is a source of friendship, love, companionship and help in times of need. So by giving a hei matau to someone as a present you make a firm and positive statement about how you think about that person.

Check out the following page for really stunning, hand carved by Maori master carvers, hei matau.